There’s no ‘Quick-Fix’ when it comes to Pigmentation

February 1st, 2019

Now that we’ve discussed what pigmentation is and what causes it, it’s time to have a chat about what we can do to get rid of it.

The Internet is rife with theories that suggest that staple grocery items such as apple cider vinegar, red onion, milk, and tomato paste are the cure to your skin’s discolouration. We can’t guarantee that these ‘cures’ will work, however we can guarantee that Environ Skincare’s Focus Care Radiance + Range will.

Dr Des Fernaneds, the founder of Environ Skincare and world renowned plastic surgeon, says that

“there are many important factors that need to be addressed (when treating pigmentation), and no one magic ingredient can do it all.”

The Radiance + Range consists of three products:

Mela – Prep Lotion:

This particular lotion consists of a combination of ingredients that work in synergy to reduce the appearance of sun-damaged skin. It’s known to leave your skin looking brighter and more radiant.

Mela- Fade Serum A & B:

Though this particular product comes in one box, it actually contains two different serums that have been created to use together. They come in separate bottles as each serum has a different set of ingredients, including some that cannot be mixed with the ingredients in the other serum. Both of these products are an intelligent blend of vitamins and minerals that are used to help even out skin tone.

Mela-Even Cream:

Lastly in this range is the Mela-Even Cream; this technologically advanced Vitamin C infused cream, helps defend your skin from harmful UV rays, slowing down the ageing process.

Dr Fernandes says that this system that he has created “is more of a real fix, as opposed to a quick fix.

” It takes a certain kind of dedication to get the results that you want and the results that you can get using Environ Skincare. The results are so worth it!

It is vital that on top of using these products religiously, you are also using an spf and one of Environ’s vitamin A moisturisers, to feed your skin the active ingredients that the sun sucks out of it. .

“Keep your skin rich in Vitamin A because this is the most effective way to minimise your chances of getting pigmentation.”


Environ is an award-winning and globally recognised Professional
Skin Care brand that is built on science, beauty & care.

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