Social Media Tips for Facebook

August 3rd, 2018

The world of social media is a vast, ever changing landscape.

New ideas are sprouting from seemingly nothing in a matter of seconds, something you posted two days ago is most likely no longer relevant, and the competition… it’s intense!

That’s why we’ve complied a list of things that you can do to up your social media game.

This week we will be focussing on Facebook, we’ll look into Instagram a tiny bit as they are sister companies.

  1. Optimise your Facebook profile photo and cover image.

Your profile photo should be:

  • A high res copy of your company’s logo.
  • 180px X 180px

Your cover image should be:

  • Related to your business.
  • Should tell the viewer more about your business.
  • 815px X 215px
  1. Fill out your Bio.

This part is really not that hard, it just requires some effort. People who visit your Facebook page will thank you for it, as all the information that they need about your business will be easily accessible and in one spot.

Don’t forget to fill out the ‘Additional Info’ part and the ‘Story’ section. This will give people more of a background into your company, so that they can feel that they are making the right decision when coming to you.

  1. Post consistently.

This doesn’t mean that you need to post at the same time, every single day.

What it does mean though is that you are posting at least once a day to all of your social media platforms.

We would suggest using ‘Hootsuite’ – this web application allows you to link up all of your social media platforms so that you can schedule posts to be uploaded at specific times on specific days.

It’s also worth going through your Facebook and Instagram analytics to see when your audience is most active, that way you can be sure that you’re targeting the largest amount of people.

  1. Make use of video.

The medium of video has become the most preferred method of delivering ideas to larger audiences. Video is the one medium that encourages people ‘stop-the-scroll’.

In a sea of boring static images and text, when a video with sound pops up, it’s refreshing and it encourages people to stop and watch what’s going on.

You don’t need an expensive production crew to make great videos. All you need is a phone, some people and editing software of some sort; I-movie is quite easy, there’s a tonne of info on it online too.

Make sure that you have an idea of what you want to film, prior to setting the production date,

If you’re taking simple videos of treatments or of any goings on in your clinic, there is no need to script or worry too much about pre-planning, think more about being a ‘fly on the wall’.

  1. Use Facebook advertising to boost your post reach.

Boosting your post reach is always a good thing because that means that more people are seeing your content, and of course, that’s what we want!

You can set your post boost to a daily budget for a certain amount of days, or you can opt to set a budget for its lifetime.

We suggest that you boost your posts through the Facebook Ad Manager as this give you more control over your ad, its audience and the way that it looks.


It’s important to remember that consistency is key when it comes to social media advertising. You most likely won’t see results right away, you may not even see them within a few weeks, but you will eventually see them.

Stay tuned for our next feature on Instagram .

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